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Most items that can be recycled are able to be mailed to us. On all listings, look for the "GREEN MAILBOX" to show that item is a popular item to be mailed to us. For the current mailing address to send us anything to be recycled, or any questions, please email, us or look below for more information. If you have an item(s) that you are unsure of, always email us with any questions you may have,
- Stay Green The Eco Guys / Tiger Recycling
Listed below are the addresses to send your items. Not all items that we take via mail is listed, so check the page for that particular item to see the address, or email us with any address inquiry.
Make sure all packages you mail to us are seal strong and tight, to avoid opening during delivery.
Credit Cards, Gift cards, Key Cards & All Other Plastic Cards Mail To:
The Eco Guys
All Other Items Mail To:
The Eco Guys
Attn. M.J.
3350 Overland Road
Apopka, Fl. 32703
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