Why donate to the Eco guys?
Donations help us, help others, help the environment. Donations go to all of the recycling, and clean up projects that we sponsor. We're proud to say 100% of your donations go directly to the projects and services we offer.
The Eco guys hosts clean up projects, green up projects, recycling education, and recycling programs geared to dealing with the everyday recycling needs, and programs to recycle waste that is not commonalty able to be recycled. We will also be sponsoring research and development into new and better ways to recycle the waste generated in today's society.
We ask that you donate any amount that you wish, anything will help. Very soon we're going to be offering the Recycle Warrior Club. For a very reasonable fee you'll be able to join the Recycle Warrior Club. As a card-carrying of this exclusive Club sponsored by Eco guys members will have perks all over Central Florida. From local businesses, and services and VIP access to events. Watch our website for more information about the Recycle Warrior club coming soon.
Once again thank you for your generous donation.
Corporate Sponsorship:
If you're a business or an organization that would like to donate and become a corporate sponsor of the Eco guys, please send us an email with your corporate or business information, a contact name and contact phone number. Our email address on the contact page.

We need your help to keep our planet clean and green
To donate to The Eco Guys use link below: